Saturday, January 19, 2013

Easy Street Medallion

Via Flickr:
It seems that my quilt wants to go in a different direction than Bonnie intended it to go :)

It's hard to tell, but there are lilac-lavender squares where it looks rather plain (they look much prettier in person). Will probably repeat the lilac color for the setting triangles, but that will only bring the top to around 50" square. I will then play around with adding some more borders to bring it to 60-65" square. I also changed out the 4 corners after i took this pic, repeating the star pattern, as I had 16 of the double flying geese left over. (edit: see below)

easy street medallion 2b

None of the components are sewn together yet in these photos, so many of the geese look strange.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Easy Street - Playing Around!

Well, Bonnie wrapped up the Easy Street Mystery, and I've seen lots and lots of pretty quilts both with her colorway and with others. Lots of eye candy on the Yahoo group (

 I, however, have to admit that the green squares are just not speaking to me. I do like the lime green with the purple but somehow I just feel the need to go in a different direction this time. Hey, we're quilters, it's our prerogative, right?! :) So first, here are my components in Bonnie's given colors and layout.

Cute, right?

 Easy Street - Bonnie's layout

Back before we knew what the parts were going to be for, I started playing around with the bits and pieces and came up with some potential blocks:

 just playing DSCN8208just playing DSCN8207just playing DSCN8206

But once I saw the final (official) layout I felt there's just a bit too much green for my personal liking, and I really thought all those geese were going to make I had to start playing around again…so here’s my potential layout, once in green and once in lavender/lilac.

another possibility

I really like the lighter/softer color. What do you think??

lilac for lime

and here's some eye candy for you!